This document contains the general conditions of sale and online payment via the website corresponding to the domain name www.xiwikj.it (“Site”) owned and managed by Fili & Fiori s.r.l.s, with registered office in Corso Sant' Anastasia 29b, 37121 Verona (VR, ITALY), VAT number 04700140231

These general conditions ("General Conditions") apply to the contractual relationships between Fili&fiori Srls and the customer, an adult under Italian law (+18 years) who intends to purchase the products on sale for purposes unrelated to his professional activity as a consumer purpose , (“Customer”), unless otherwise agreed in writing.


Execution of the agreement

1. The sales contract between Fili&fiori s.r.l.s and the Customer is concluded when Fili & fiori s.r.l.s accepts the order and in any case when the relevant payment has been made. By completing the online order, the Customer declares to have read all the information provided during the purchase procedure and to fully accept the General Conditions set out below.

2. Once the online purchase procedure has been completed, the Customer must print and save an electronic copy and in any case keep, if the Customer is a consumer, these General Conditions, pursuant to articles. 52 and 53 of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206 (“Legislative Decree no. 206/2005”).

Purchase methods

3. The Customer can purchase online exclusively the products listed in the electronic catalog published on the Site (“Shop”) and available at the time the order is placed, as described in the relevant information available here. It is understood that the colours, dimensions, texture and dimensions indicated in the information sheet must be approximate and that the image of the Product attached to this information sheet may not perfectly represent its characteristics but may differ in colours, dimensions, materials and dimensions. /or accessories indicated in the photo.

4. Receipt of the order will be confirmed by Fili & fiori s.r.l.s. by e-mail, to be sent to the address indicated by the Customer by registering in the restricted access area of ​​the Site or by completing the electronic order transmission form. This confirmation will include the date and time of receipt of the order and a "Customer Order Number" to be used in any subsequent communication with Fili & Fiori s.r.l.s.

The confirmation to be sent by Fili&fiori s.r.l.s will summarize the order placed by the Customer together with all the relevant data entered by the Customer and these General Conditions.

The Customer undertakes to verify the correctness of the data summarized in the order confirmation and to promptly communicate any discrepancies to be remedied, according to the methods indicated in the order confirmation itself.

5. In the event that Fili & fiori s.r.l.s will not be able, for any reason, to process the Customer's order, Fili & fiori s.r.l.s. will inform the Customer of this circumstance via email.



6. The purchase price of the Products will be that indicated from time to time directly by Fili & fiori s.r.l.s. to the Customer via the Site and will be listed in the online cart both by individual item and in total.

Payment of the price may be made by the Customer according to one of the methods indicated below.


Terms of payment

7. Payment for the Products purchased online by the Customer must be made according to the method chosen by the Customer at the time of the order. No additional amount compared to the total amount of the order, highlighted upon completion of the purchase procedure, can be charged to the Customer.

If the object of the order, accepted by Fili & Fiori s.r.l.s., are Products to be delivered outside Italian territory, the global price of the Products ordered will be increased by delivery costs as well as taxes, if provided for by the legislation in force in the country in which the products are intended. Products purchased.

8. Payment for the Products purchased pursuant to these General Conditions must be made exclusively via PayPal and Stripe.

8. Pay Pal

(a) If paying for the Products via Pay Pal, the Customer will be able to pay the amount corresponding to the order directly via their verified PayPal account. Fili & fiore s.r.l.s. informs that only payments made and coming from a verified account will be accepted and reserves the right to deliver the Products included in the Customer's order to the address indicated on the verified PayPal account.

(b) Payments for Product orders from unverified PayPal accounts will be canceled and, consequently, not carried out by Fili & fiori s.r.l.s.


Delivery methods and costs

9. The Products ordered will be shipped to the address indicated by the Customer when registering in the reserved access area of ​​the Site or - if different - to the address indicated in the respective order. The delivery status will be made available to the Customer on the Site by accessing the reserved area dedicated to the purchase history. In some cases, Fili&fiori s.r.l.s. decides not to ship to certain territories and may refuse the order.

10. Delivery costs, as indicated on the Site and in the order text, will be borne by the Customer.

11. Orders will be delivered from Monday to Friday. Orders placed on Saturdays or Sundays or on public holidays will be processed by Fili & fiori s.r.l.s. starting from the first working day following the day the order was placed.

12. Delivery of the Products to the Customer will be carried out via a duly appointed courier. The Customer will be informed of the courier's details according to the methods indicated on the Site. Fili & fiori s.r.l.s. cannot be held responsible for any delays in the delivery of the Product due to customs clearance or other delays.

13. At any time the Customer can check the progress and delivery status of his order by checking the tracking number assigned to his order.

14. Contractual obligations of Fili & Fiori s.r.l.s. l towards the Customer will be considered fulfilled in the place where the purchased Products are delivered by Fili & flowers s.r.l.s. to the selected courier.

The delivery of the products ordered by the courier will be made at street level, unless otherwise communicated by Customer Service.

15. Upon delivery of the purchased Product by the courier, the Customer must verify:

that the number of packages delivered coincides with that indicated in the advance shipping note via e-mail;

that the packaging is intact, not damaged, wet or otherwise deteriorated, also with regard to the closing materials (adhesive tape or staples).

Any damage to the Product and/or its packaging or any discrepancies with respect to the number of packages or the indications must be immediately contested by the Customer, exposing a WRITTEN VERIFICATION RESERVE (SPECIFYING THE REASON FOR SUCH RESERVE, for example "punctured packages" , “crushed packages”, etc.) on the document certifying delivery by the courier. Once the courier document has been signed, the Customer will no longer be able to make any complaints regarding the external characteristics of the delivered Products.

Any complaint relating to the integrity, correspondence and completeness of the Products received must be raised within 2 months of its discovery, according to the methods indicated in these General Conditions.

16. In the event of failure to return the Products in stock in the courier's warehouses within 5 working days due to repeated impossibility of delivery to the address indicated by the Customer in the order, the ordered Products may be returned to the warehouses of Fili & fiori s.r.l.s.
Customer's right of withdrawal

17. Pursuant to art. 64 of Legislative Decree no. N. 206/2005, the consumer customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract for any reason, without the need to provide explanations and without any penalty, according to the terms and methods provided for in the following articles.

18. To exercise the right of withdrawal referred to in the previous article 18, the Customer must send Fili & Fiori s.r.l.s. a notice of withdrawal within 14 working days of receipt of the Products in relation to which this right is exercised.

19. Once this notice of withdrawal has been received, the Customer will be promptly provided with instructions relating to the return methods together with a personal RMA code (return authorization code) necessary to return the Product(s). The Product to be returned must be received by Fili & fiori s.r.l.s. within 10 days of receipt of the aforementioned Authorization to Return Goods. For this purpose, the date of delivery to the post office or courier will prevail.

20. The purchased Product must be returned unused, equipped with Xiwikj brand tags and in the original packaging (including packaging). To limit possible damage to the original packaging, we recommend placing it in another box on which a label bearing the RMA number (return authorization code) provided by Fili&fiori s.r.l.s. is applied. it will be fixed; in any case no tag or adhesive tape must be affixed directly to the original packaging of the Product.

21. Delivery costs resulting from the return of the Products will be borne by the Customer; delivery costs to the Customer will not be reimbursed as well as any other additional costs and/or taxes indicated at the time the order was placed.

The Customer will be solely responsible for delivery until a receipt is issued certifying the arrival of the Products at the Fili & Fiori s.r.l.s warehouse.

22. The right of withdrawal applies exclusively to all the Products purchased; it is not possible to exercise the right of withdrawal exclusively in relation to one or more parts of a purchased Product. If the order concerns multiple Products, it will be possible to exercise the right of withdrawal in relation to one or more Products ordered, specifying in the withdrawal communication, referred to in the previous article 19, and the description of the Products to be returned.

Fili & fiori s.r.l.s. will not be responsible under any circumstances for damage or theft/loss of the Products during transport by the customer


22. If Fili & fiori s.r.l.s. for any reason, is not able to return to its Customer a Product covered by warranty (repaired or replaced), it will have the right at its discretion to return to the Customer the amount paid taking into account the use of the Product or to replace such Product with another with equal or superior characteristics.

23. Limitations of Liability

Fili & fiori s.r.l.s. cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for imprudent, unsuitable or inappropriate use of the products sold. Fili & fiore s.r.l.s. cannot be held responsible for the acts of third parties who, as independent partners, are involved in the management and settlement of payments, in the delivery of goods, or in any other operation connected to the execution of contracts stipulated through this website. Under no circumstances will Fili & Fiori s.r.l.s. may be held responsible for any fraudulent or improper use of credit cards by third parties when paying for products purchased on this site. At no time during the purchase procedure does Fili&fiori s.r.l.s. acquires the buyer's credit card data, as these will be transmitted directly to the receiving banking service via a payment gateway.


Data protection

32. According to article 13 of legislative decree no. 196/2003, as subsequently amended and integrated, Fili & fiori s.r.l.s. as data controller, informs you that your personal data provided and collected through (i) registration in the reserved area of ​​the Site, (ii) the conclusion of an online sales contract, (iii) access and navigation on the Site, through the so-called system "logs", will be processed for the following purposes:

carry out the activities necessary to stipulate, manage and execute the sales contract indicated in the previous point (ii);

to satisfy the Customer's requests formulated from time to time via the Site or via email or other communication tool;

to fulfill obligations established by Italian or EU laws or regulations as well as by orders given by competent authorities legitimized to do so by law or by supervisory and control bodies;

to send newsletters and advertising material relating to goods and services provided by Fili & fiori s.r.l.s.

In relation to the purposes described above, Fili & fiori s.r.l.s. informs that the provision of personal data is mandatory in relation to the purposes listed in the previous points 1), 2) and 3). Consequently, if the Customer decides not to provide their personal data, Fili & fiore s.r.l.s. may not be able to fully respond to or satisfy Customer requests.

Having said all this, with reference to the purpose referred to in the previous point 4), Fili & fiori s.r.l.s. will ask the Customer, from time to time, to give their consent to the relevant processing by clicking on specific fields/buttons on the Site

The data processing will be carried out in ways strictly related to the purposes indicated above and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the personal data themselves. Furthermore, if it is necessary to fulfill the Customer's requests, the personal data may be communicated to third parties other than Fili & fiori s.r.l.s., who will process such data in their capacity as independent data controllers or data processors. In any case, personal data will not be disclosed.

Personal data will be stored in the territory of the European Community.

Fili & fiori s.r.l.s. It informs you that, pursuant to article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, you have specific rights in relation to the processing of your personal data.

In particular, you have the right to obtain from the data controller or data controller, if present, confirmation of the existence or otherwise of your personal data and communication of such data in an intelligible form. You will also have the right to be informed about the origin of the personal data, the purposes and methods of the processing; obtain the cancellation or blocking of personal data processed in violation of the law, the updating, rectification or, when interested, the integration of the data; object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of your personal data.

Fili & fiori s.r.l.s. may, from time to time, modify or update its data protection policies mainly as a result of changes in legal provisions. Therefore, Fili & flowers s.r.l.s. strongly suggests that you check this document frequently.


33. Any complaint from the Customer must be addressed to:


Fili & fiori s.r.l.s.

Corso Sant'Anastasia 29b

37121 Verona (VR)


E-mail: store@xiwikj.it

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