Xiwikj is an Italian brand born in 2013. It creates textile products in India with ancient craftsmanship.
We have a small workshop in Sanganer near Jaipur where we package the products we design.
Since our products are artisanal, they very often have imperfections, they should not be seen as defects but as a sign of uniqueness.

Below you can find the various sections to get to know us better.


Our shop is located in the historic center of Verona, more precisely in Corso Santa Anastasia 29b, the street that connects Piazza Erbe to the church of Santa Anastasia.

The main feature of the street are the antique shops, some still open while others remain etched only in the memories of the residents. Our shop takes inspiration from this peculiarity: to maintain the historicity of the building and the street we chose to furnish it by taking furniture from those same antique dealers in the area; in fact the walls have only been slightly restored while the fresco, which frames the wall, has been left as it originally was, designed by the daughter of the previous owner.

The first opening was in 2013, before the creation of the brand. Initially we sold clothing and household linen, we then managed to find contacts to produce our clothes in India, thus managing to create our first collections.

Our production mainly includes: clothing collections, patchwork bedspreads, embroidered bags and cushions and fabrics by the meter, as well as unique pieces found during our travels in India. We also sell third-party brand products that we believe are compatible with our style.
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In 2014, a year after opening the shop, we started having our first shirt collection produced in factories in India, in Jaipur. We managed to achieve some success but due to various problems related to the producers, we felt the need to take action to have our own personal laboratory.

We managed to open it in 2015 in Sanganner, a city near Jaipur, considered one of the nerve centers in the field of Indian printing. Initially it was located above a screen print factory, then we decided to move to a larger building that was entirely ours, where we would have had the opportunity and space to bring our projects to life: from the paper pattern to the final product.

Currently our laboratory includes a Block Print printing plant, various sewing and embroidery machines, everything is managed by Ninder who is Baly's brother.

The main purpose of our production is to create for ourselves and bring our collections to life but this does not prevent us from producing customized items for other brands and with a minimum order, based on customer requests.

For further information, contact us via the appropriate section of our website!

We thank you for reading our story and invite you to follow us on our "Xiwikj india" profiles which you can find both on Instagram and on Facebook, so you can see the numerous videos of our products in the production phase.
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